The CAC Group of Companies is a set of related companies under common control, which can be reached as follows.
CAC ENTERPRISES GROUP HEAD OFFICE (mailing address - open by appointment only)
619-4538 Kingsway Street
Burnaby, B. C. Canada V5H 4T9
Telephone: 1(604)430-8835
Fax: 1(604)430-8803
CAC NATURAL FOODS (warehouse and administrative office - open by appointment only)
226-3355 North Rd Burnaby. BC. V3J 7T9
Telephone: 1-778-379-7730
Fax: 1-778-379-7731
EDMONTON MAIN YARD (industrial recyclables - drop in during posted hours)
2411 76th Ave NW,
Edmonton, AB, T6P1X2
Telephone: 1-780-416-8007
EDMONTON SATELLITE FACILITY (industrial steel - open by appointment only)
8600-1st St NW,
Sherwood Park, AB, T6P1X2
Telephone: 1-780-416-8007
(400m behind McColman Demolition